Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Today's Stock Market (2016.04.13)

Daily Analysis
Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P by closing time (5:16pm ET)
Dow and Nasdaq throughout trading hours (5:16pm ET)

  • All three indexes closed higher than yesterday, continuing the incline
    • All three indexes jumped drastically in the beginning, and they stayed consistent
  • Oil prices slightly declined than yesterday's $42 per barrel
    • $41.57 per barrel (8:34pm ET)
International/U.S. Economy
  • Argentina has finally got out of their national default which lasted for 15 years. They are now gearing up for one of the biggest bond sales for a developing country.
  • Retail sails in the U.S. has dropped 0.3% at March compared to February, according to the Commerce department. This is a red light for the U.S. economic growth.
  • IMF is currently warning about the global economic growth this year. IMF has lowered their expected world wide growth from 3.4% to 3.2%, and this is only 0.1% above last year's expectation.
Individual Analysis
  • Financial sector overall faced incline today. Goldman Sachs (GS) increased 3.59% today, and Bank of America (BAC) experienced 3..92% growth. JPMorgan Chase (JPM) increased 4.23%, and Citigroup (C) increased 5.61%.
  • Amazon (AMZN) stocks continued to increase and reached higher than $610 per shares. Amazon stocks rose 1.93% today.
  • Tesla (TSLA) has recovered 2.7% today compared to yesterday, but it is not sure if it will continue to recover.

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