Thursday, March 31, 2016

On break!

Hey guys, I'm at Korea right now because of spring break and because of the time difference I can't really update my blog here. I'm coming back to the U.S. at 04.10.2016, so until then my blog won't be updated. I'll see you guys then.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Today's Stock Market (2016.03.25)-Market Holiday

Daily Analysis

  • NYSE has closed today due to Good Friday.
  • Oil continues to stay around $39 per barrel
    • $39.46 per barrel (2016.03.24 end of the day)

International/U.S. Economy

  • Saudi Aramco, the state oil company of Saudi Arabia, has recently announced a plan to buy the sprawling Port Arthur, Texas refinery. The facility is the largest refinery of U.S. and it can produce 600,000 barrels of oil per day.
  • A group of New York millionaires are telling the governor and the state law makers to raise the tax for them and use it to help the poor. The group released an message that urged the passage of "1% plan for New York tax fairness".
  • The terror on Brussel, Belgium has not only taken people's lives, but it also affected the European economy. Brussel was the center of political gravity of E.U., and its importance to E.U. is similar to that of Washington D.C. and U.S..
  • Although the stock market is rebounding back, investors are still betting huge amount of money in gold. According to Bank of America Merrill Lynch, $13.4 billion was poured into gold assets for the past 11 weeks. This is the largest weekly inflow for gold since the economic crisis of 2009. 
    • Gold is a safe asset which would maintain its value even during an economic crisis, and investors are still concerned about how the market was crashing early 2016.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Today's Stock Market (2016.03.24)

Daily Analysis
Dow, Nasdaq and S&P by closing time (5:16pm ET)
Dow and Nasdaq throughout trading hours (4:33pm ET)

  • Dow and Nasdaq managed to close higher than yesterday, but S&P couldn't fully recover
    • In the beginning of the market, all three indexes experienced a huge crash
    • influenced by the drop in oil prices
  • Oil price drops below $40 per barrel
    • $39.59 per barrel (12:00am ET)
International/U.S. Economy
  • China's foreign takeover has set off an alarm in the United States. State owned ChemChina has announced a $43 billion deal to buy Switzerland's Syngenta, which is a giant seed and pesticide company. However, U.S. senate and farmers are alarmed by this because they run researches and production facilities.
  • The oil seems to be doing well; last week it had finally went over $40 per barrel. However, according to the latest EIA report, the oil remains to be oversupplied, and the future does not seem bright for the oil price.
  • The federal reserve might raise rates starting from this April; St. Louis Fed President James Bullard has told that they might have a raise in April.
Individual Analysis
  • Tesla (TSLA) stocks are on attention as the reveal of Model 3, their new lineup of cars, is just a week away. The company has been doing greatly since it has hit its low in February as oil prices started to rebound recently. Tesla shares experienced a 2.37% incline today.
  • Office Depot (ODP) stocks rose 9% as U.S. District judge criticized Trade Commission's attempt to stop a merger between Office Depot and Staples (SPLS).
    • Staples Stocks have also increased 14% today.
  • Energy companies like Williams Companies (WMB) have dropped as oil prices continued to drop today. Williams Companies have experienced a 5.6% drop today.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Today's Stock Market (2016.03.22)

Daily analysis
Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P by closing time (4:47pm ET)
Dow and Nasdaq throughout trading hours (4:47pm ET)

  • All three indexes were very unstable throughout the day
    • Dow and S&P closed lower than yesterday, and Nasdaq closed slightly higher than yesterday.
    • The market was affected by oil prices, which was lower than yesterday.
  • Oil price continued to rebound over $40 per barrel
    • $41.35 per barrel (4:35pm ET)
International/U.S. Economy
  • In just 5 weeks, the stock market has experienced an unbelievable rebound. S&P 500 has rose 13% since its low at February 11. There were multiple reasons for this, including the rebound of oil prices and U.S. recession fears fading away, and Federal reserve tapping breaks on plans for raising interests.
  • Although the Chinese economy is slowing down, they are still a huge market. It turns out that Chinese tourism spent $215 billion abroad last year.
  • According to a research done by a business lobby group, Britain's exit from E.U. (Brexit) could cost 100 Billion pounds ($144 billion) and 950,000 jobs by 2020.
Individual Analysis
  • Valeant Pharmaceuticals (VRX) has surged 10% as the company decides to abandon their previous CEO and appoint billionaire activist  Bill Ackman to the board.
  • Office Depot (ODP) stocks rose 9.72% today as rumors about Amazon (AMZN) is interested in buying their business.
  • Staples (SPLS) was marked as a Barbarian at the gate (Strong stocks crossing above resistance with today's range greater than 200%) due to various reasons including their average dollar volume, and their stocks have traded above its daily resistance level. Staples stocks surged 7.63% today.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Today's Stock Market (2016.03.18)

Daily Analysis
Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P by closing time (4:01pm ET)
Dow and Nasdaq throughout trading hours (4:01pm ET)

  • All three indexes finished higher than yesterday
    • Indexes were slightly unstable throughout the day, but it didn't experience any sudden crashes or inclines.
  • Oil price slightly dropped under $40 per barrel
    • $39.33 per barrel (3:34pm ET)

International/U.S. Economy

  • According to the London School of Economics, if Britain decides to leave the E.U. (Brexit), then it would cut the average household income by $1232 per year.
    • This would happen because when Britain exits E.U., then income from trading would decrease.
  • While other Latin American countries are suffering from depression, Peru is having a great time. The country's economy grew 3.3%, which is the highest among Latin American Countries.
  • While the NCAA Brackets are going on, it turns out that the amount of money that Americans would spend for this would be massive. According to the American Gaming Association, Americans would use around $9.2 billion for the NCAA brackets this year.
Individual Analysis
  • Valeant Pharmaceuticals (VRX) continued crashing since last Tuesday when the company showed signs of default. At Tuesday the company's stock crashed more than 50%, and it crashed 9.2% today despite the CEO's Bankruptcy assurances.
  • Tesla Motors (TSLA) continued rising throughout the week as oil prices continued to rebound. It rose 2.81% today.
  • Amazon (AMZN) stocks continued to decline since Wednesday. Today it declined 1.31%. One of its reasons is because Apple (AAPL) decided to use Alphabet/Google (GOOGL)'s cloud platform instead of Amazon's web server.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Today's Stock Market (2016.03.17)

Daily Analysis
Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P by closing time (5:16pm ET)
Dow and Nasdaq throughout trading hours (4:33pm ET)

  • All three indexes finished higher than yesterday.
    • All three indexes were steadily inclining throughout the day, and they continued its rise from yesterday.
  • Oil price jumped up to $40 per barrel today
    • $40.34 per barrel (5:05pm ET)
International/U.S. Economy
  • As oil price rebounds to $40 per barrel and U.S. economy continues to improve, the Dow has finally turned positive today. Dow has recovered around 2000 points since the start of the year.
  • The Irish economy is booming. Their economy has grown 7% since last year, and despite the financial crisis and the great recession that they had to face, their economy is growing rapidly.
  • It turns out that labor price at China isn't that cheap compared to the U.S. According to Oxford Economics, the average labor costs of China is only 4% cheaper than U.S. labor costs.
Individual Analysis
  • Fedex (FDX) stocks surged 11.83% as they released their third quarter earnings report with good performances. The company's revenue increased 9% to 12.7 billion, and they showed earning of $2.51 per share, which was far better the expectation of $2.34 per share.
  • Energy stocks are continuing to rise as oil rebounds to $40 per barrel. Chesapeake energy (CHK) rose 9.11% today, and Exxon Mobil (XOM) rose 1.48%.
  • Chipotle (CMG) stocks were downgraded from "hold" to "underperform" by Jefferies as it's performance continued to decline due to the outbreak of E.Coli. Chipotle stocks declined 5.75% today during trading hours.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Today's Stock Market (2016.03.15)

Daily Analysis
Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P by closing time (5:16pm ET)
Dow and Nasdaq throughout trading hours (4:33pm ET)

  • Dow closed higher than yesterday, Nasdaq closed lower and S&P remained the same as yesterday.
    • All three indexes faced an huge crash today morning, and while Dow and S&P managed to recover from this crash, Nasdaq couldn't fully recover.
  • Oil prices continued to drop; it dropped below $37 per barrel today.
    • $36.88 per barrel (6:41pm ET)
U.S. and International Economy
  • If Britain decides to exit the E.U. (Brexit), then it would cost more for British travelers to travel among European air than it is right now.
  • Although China is facing its slowest growth in 25 years, the government is holding back from intervening to the market to improve its growth. As long as there aren't any major domestic/international economic crisis, the Chinese government would not interfere with their market.
  • The number of active oil and natural gas rigs inside the U.S. has plunged to the lowest level since 1949. This is a response to the plunging oil prices that has been going on since last year.
Individual Analysis
  • Valeant Pharmaceuticals (VRX) plunged more than 50% (51.46%) today as the company could possibly go into a default.
  • Apple (AAPL) stocks jumped 2% as tracking information reveals that they may have sold 57 million units in the March quarter, which is far beyond the expected 50 million units.
  • Hewlett Packard (HPE) stocks surged 2% as Wells Fargo notes that they could benefit from divestitures.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Today's Stock Market (2016.03.14)

Daily Analysis
Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P by closing time (5:16pm ET)
Dow and Nasdaq throughout trading hours (4:40pm ET)

  • Dow and Nasdaq barely finished higher than last time, and S&P finished lower than last time.
    • All three indexes were very unstable throughout the day today, going through couple small crashes.
  • Oil price drops to $37 per barrel
    • $37.31 per barrel (7:33pm ET)
International Economy
  • Latest oil market data revealed that Saudi Arabia and Russia pumped out more oil despite the the talk about limiting oil supplies. 
    • Other countries like Iran are also pumping up more oil now.
  • As China's economy continues to slow down, the global shipping industry was also hit hard due to these concerns.
  • Iranian government stated that they are not concerned about U.S. oil companies pumping out more oil from their country; Iran is facing a huge rebound following its important nuclear deal with global powers.
Individual Analysis
  • Tesla (TSLA)'s stock surged 3.69% as their company ratings from RW Baird is upgraded from neutral to outperforming.
  • Starwood Hotels & Resorts (HOT) rose 7.82% as Chinese insurance group Anbang made a $12.8 billion non binding cash offer for them.
  • Energy stock shares are plunging as the future for oil price seems to be dark. Southwestern Energy (SWN) stock shares dropped 6.75% today, and Chesapeake Energy (CHK) plunged 6.81% today.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Today's Stock Market (2016.03.09)

Daily Analysis
Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P by closing time (5:16pm ET)
Dow and Nasdaq throughout the day (5:16pm ET)

  • All three indexes closed higher than yesterday.
    • However, it was very unstable and inconsistent throughout the trading hours; the indexes went through multiple crashes and sudden uprisings.
  • Oil price continued to remain over $38 per barrel and didn't drop.
    • $38.21 per barrel (6:02pm ET)
International Market
  • Oil prices have rebounded around 42% for the past three weeks; it has recovered to over $37 per barrel since it hit $26 a barrel on February 11th. As an effect of this rebound, the stock markets also showed an incredible recovery.
    • However, the future is still unclear; many influential investment banks like Goldman Sachs are saying that the oil prices should maintain the low prices in order to finish the re-balancing process.
  • America's stock market has been bullish for 7 years straight. However, the future of market does not seem that great. The growth of market has greatly slowed down since 2016, and the plunge in the beginning of the year shows it.
Individual Analysis
  • As oil price continues to rebound back, energy stocks are experiencing great incline in their share prices. Chevron (CVX) has experienced an 4.6% increase in share prices today, and Devon Energy Corp (DVN) has increased 6.8% today.
  • Chipotle (CMG) stocks plunged 3.44% today as they had to shut down a store in Massachusetts because 4 employees got sick. 
  • As oil prices rebound, alternative energy industry is also inclining. Tesla Motors (TSLA) has experienced an 3.02% increase today and increased over 10% in total for the past five days.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Today's Stock Market (2016.03.07)

Daily Analysis
Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P by closing time (5:16pm ET)
Dow and Nasdaq during trading hours (4:33pm ET)
  • Dow and S&P closed slightly higher than yesterday, but Nasdaq closed lower than yesterday
    • Throughout the day the market was very inconsistent; indexes faced an major crash slightly after the middle of the day, but it managed to recover back.
  • Oil prices are continuing to recover; it reached more than $37 per barrel today.
    • $37.81 per barrel (2:45pm ET)
International Market
  • As overall stock markets including U.S. and China went unstable and oil prices continued plunging in 2016, gold, which is considered as a safe deposit, is rising. Gold has rose over 20% so far this year.
  • Although Brazil is facing its worst economic crisis this year, their stock market is showing great progress among other international markets. Brazil's market index, Bovespa, has rose 14.1% so far this year. Not only Brazil, but its neighbor, Argentina, also has a great market. Argentina's market index has rose 14.7% so far this year.
  • The Chinese government has set an economic growth target range of 6.5~7%. This is the first time since 1995 that Beijing has announced an economic growth target range. China's economic growth has decelerated, and its pace is slowest in 25 years.
Individual Analysis
  • Tech stocks aren't doing well today; Netflix (NFLX) failed to continue its incline since last Friday and experienced a major crash that was more than 6%. Not only that, but both Amazon (AMZN) and Facebook (FB)'s stock also experienced a decline of 3%.
  • Tesla (TSLA)'s stocks are finally rising back from the dead with oil prices going up. The company's stock experienced an 2.38% incline today (3:12pm ET), and it has experienced an rise of 7.37% for the last 5 days.
  • As oil price continues to rise back, oil related companies are experiencing a huge incline in share prices. Chevron (CVX) has rose 2.57% (3:14pm ET) today, and it rose 8% for the past 5 days. Exxon Mobil (XOM) has rose 2.15% (3:16pm ET) today.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Today's Stock Market (2016.03.04)

Daily Analysis
Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P by closing time (4:00pm ET)
Dow and Nasdaq throughout the day (4:00pm ET)
  • All three indexes closed higher than yesterday, but they were little unstable but most of the time consistent throughout the trading hours
    • As Oil price continues to recover, stocks are also starting to recover.
  • Oil price rose and went over $35 per barrel
    • $36.33 per barrel (5:00pm ET)
International Economy
  • Europe is back in deflation, and their business and consumer confidence is sagging. To make matters worse, due to the refugee crisis, they are bringing back border controls, which may cost around $20 Billion per year if fully reintroduced.
  • European Euro's value is crashing; Euro is now trading $1.09 per 1 Euro, which is lower than $1.13 of February. 
  • Greek banks are plunging as their new government decides to challenge bailout and abandon their commitments to international lenders.
Individual Analysis
  • Hewlett Packard (HPE) surged 13.79% today as they report better earnings than expected. The company reported earnings of $0.41 per share, which far passed the estimate of $0.39 per share. Their revenue was also outstanding.
  • Chesapeake Energy (CHK)'s stock surged 20.37% today, and it has surged 89.63 percent for the past 5 days. Their stock surged today because they received immunity from prosecution in the case against their former CEO Aubry McClendon, who died of a car accident at 03.02.2016.
  • The oil/energy industry overall is experiencing a huge incline in their shares as the oil price continued to rose today. Marathon Oil Corp (MRO) surged 8.73%, and Chesapeake Energy (CHK)'s stock also surged 20.37%.
  • Netflix (NFLX) stocks surged as their famous original show, "House of Cards", started their new season.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Today's Stock Market (2016.03.03)

Daily Analysis
Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P by closing time (5:16pm ET)
Dow and Nasdaq throughout the day (5:16pm ET)

  • Continuing from yesterday, all three indexes remain unstable throughout the day.
    • However, after a small crash in the middle of the day, the indexes steadily recovered and managed to finish higher than yesterday.
  • Oil prices continue to remain over $34 per barrel
    • $34.70 per barrel (6:44pm ET)
International Market
  • Brazil is suffering major economic crash; their data indicated that their economy shrank 3.8% in 2015. This is the biggest annual drop since 1990 and the country is in its longest recession since the 1930s.
  • Although Goldman Sachs and IMF warned Britain about leaving the E.U., more than 200 small businesses called on their government to leave E.U.
  • Zimbabwe has shut down all of their Diamond mines. They are trying to regain control of their diamond mines. However, companies are protesting against this decision and they are going to court to stop or at least negotiate about this problem.
Individual Analysis
  • Chipotle (CMG)'s stock has finally stopped falling since the outbreak of E.Coli bacteria within their food. However, their stock prices are still lower than their all time high since last summer.
  • Amazon (AMZN)'s price is recovering back from their major crash. Their stocks surged 4.8% at Tuesday, and it continued to secure their price.
  • IBM (IBM)'s stock also continued to surge since Tuesday. Their stocks closed 1.1% higher than yesterday.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Today's Stock Market (2016.03.02)

Overall Analysis
Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P by closing time (5:16pm ET)
Dow and Nasdaq throughout trading hours (5:16pm ET)
  • Dow and Nasdaq closed with higher points than yesterday, and S&P closed the same as yesterday
    • Unlike yesterday, all three indexes were very unstable throughout the trading hours
    • Dow and Nasdaq managed to finish higher than yesterday
  • Oil price continued to rise over $34 per barrel
    • $34.74 per barrel (11:43pm ET)
International market
  • Saudi Arabia is trying to take over the oil market of China, which was Iran's biggest oil market.
  • Asian stocks surged today; Japan's Nikkei (N225) rose 4% today, and China's Shanghai Composite (SHCOMP) jumped 4.3%, continuing the global up rise following the U.S.' standout day yesterday.
  • China's credit ranking is close to dropping down a rank; agency Moody's cut the outlook on China's credit ranking because of its rising debt levels
Individual Analysis
  • Tesla (TSLA) has plunged 3% since yesterday despite it was a great day for all markets; this is because it has become a target among wall street's most prominent short sellers.
  • Due to the continuation of low oil prices, Exxon Mobil (XON), the biggest oil company in America, has slashed its capital budget by $20 billion since its peak in 2013.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Today's Stock Market (2016.03.01)

Daily Analysis
Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P by closing time (5:16pm ET)
Dow and Nasdaq throughout the day (5:16pm ET)

  • All three indexes increased drastically compared to yesterday
    • Throughout the trading hours, all three indexes increased consistently without any sudden crashes
      • Dow popped 349 points today, making its second best day of the year
      • Nasdaq had its best day of 2016 with a 2.9% gain
    • This is because it was Super Tuesday (13 states voted for their favorite presidential nominee) today
  • Oil price rises up to $34 per barrel
    • $34.05 per barrel (11:03pm ET)
International economy
  • China's economy is continuing to show signs of decline, but investors aren't really caring as the U.S. market started to recover today
  • Oil has finally stopped crashing; the oil price had a incredible spike of 32% as it climbed backed to $34 per barrel.
    • OPEC and other producers like Russia has agreed to a tentative deal on 2/17 to freeze output.
Individual Analysis
  • Lego, the famous block toy maker, has posted a 25% jump in revenue and 31% rise in net profits in 2015 due to the new Star Wars series and other products.
  • Rolce Royce has unveiled their new lineup of Ghost and Wraith. Both cars have a new design which are targeted towards the younger rich people.