Monday, March 7, 2016

Today's Stock Market (2016.03.07)

Daily Analysis
Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P by closing time (5:16pm ET)
Dow and Nasdaq during trading hours (4:33pm ET)
  • Dow and S&P closed slightly higher than yesterday, but Nasdaq closed lower than yesterday
    • Throughout the day the market was very inconsistent; indexes faced an major crash slightly after the middle of the day, but it managed to recover back.
  • Oil prices are continuing to recover; it reached more than $37 per barrel today.
    • $37.81 per barrel (2:45pm ET)
International Market
  • As overall stock markets including U.S. and China went unstable and oil prices continued plunging in 2016, gold, which is considered as a safe deposit, is rising. Gold has rose over 20% so far this year.
  • Although Brazil is facing its worst economic crisis this year, their stock market is showing great progress among other international markets. Brazil's market index, Bovespa, has rose 14.1% so far this year. Not only Brazil, but its neighbor, Argentina, also has a great market. Argentina's market index has rose 14.7% so far this year.
  • The Chinese government has set an economic growth target range of 6.5~7%. This is the first time since 1995 that Beijing has announced an economic growth target range. China's economic growth has decelerated, and its pace is slowest in 25 years.
Individual Analysis
  • Tech stocks aren't doing well today; Netflix (NFLX) failed to continue its incline since last Friday and experienced a major crash that was more than 6%. Not only that, but both Amazon (AMZN) and Facebook (FB)'s stock also experienced a decline of 3%.
  • Tesla (TSLA)'s stocks are finally rising back from the dead with oil prices going up. The company's stock experienced an 2.38% incline today (3:12pm ET), and it has experienced an rise of 7.37% for the last 5 days.
  • As oil price continues to rise back, oil related companies are experiencing a huge incline in share prices. Chevron (CVX) has rose 2.57% (3:14pm ET) today, and it rose 8% for the past 5 days. Exxon Mobil (XOM) has rose 2.15% (3:16pm ET) today.

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