Thursday, March 24, 2016

Today's Stock Market (2016.03.24)

Daily Analysis
Dow, Nasdaq and S&P by closing time (5:16pm ET)
Dow and Nasdaq throughout trading hours (4:33pm ET)

  • Dow and Nasdaq managed to close higher than yesterday, but S&P couldn't fully recover
    • In the beginning of the market, all three indexes experienced a huge crash
    • influenced by the drop in oil prices
  • Oil price drops below $40 per barrel
    • $39.59 per barrel (12:00am ET)
International/U.S. Economy
  • China's foreign takeover has set off an alarm in the United States. State owned ChemChina has announced a $43 billion deal to buy Switzerland's Syngenta, which is a giant seed and pesticide company. However, U.S. senate and farmers are alarmed by this because they run researches and production facilities.
  • The oil seems to be doing well; last week it had finally went over $40 per barrel. However, according to the latest EIA report, the oil remains to be oversupplied, and the future does not seem bright for the oil price.
  • The federal reserve might raise rates starting from this April; St. Louis Fed President James Bullard has told that they might have a raise in April.
Individual Analysis
  • Tesla (TSLA) stocks are on attention as the reveal of Model 3, their new lineup of cars, is just a week away. The company has been doing greatly since it has hit its low in February as oil prices started to rebound recently. Tesla shares experienced a 2.37% incline today.
  • Office Depot (ODP) stocks rose 9% as U.S. District judge criticized Trade Commission's attempt to stop a merger between Office Depot and Staples (SPLS).
    • Staples Stocks have also increased 14% today.
  • Energy companies like Williams Companies (WMB) have dropped as oil prices continued to drop today. Williams Companies have experienced a 5.6% drop today.

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