Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Today's Stock Market (2016.03.09)

Daily Analysis
Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P by closing time (5:16pm ET)
Dow and Nasdaq throughout the day (5:16pm ET)

  • All three indexes closed higher than yesterday.
    • However, it was very unstable and inconsistent throughout the trading hours; the indexes went through multiple crashes and sudden uprisings.
  • Oil price continued to remain over $38 per barrel and didn't drop.
    • $38.21 per barrel (6:02pm ET)
International Market
  • Oil prices have rebounded around 42% for the past three weeks; it has recovered to over $37 per barrel since it hit $26 a barrel on February 11th. As an effect of this rebound, the stock markets also showed an incredible recovery.
    • However, the future is still unclear; many influential investment banks like Goldman Sachs are saying that the oil prices should maintain the low prices in order to finish the re-balancing process.
  • America's stock market has been bullish for 7 years straight. However, the future of market does not seem that great. The growth of market has greatly slowed down since 2016, and the plunge in the beginning of the year shows it.
Individual Analysis
  • As oil price continues to rebound back, energy stocks are experiencing great incline in their share prices. Chevron (CVX) has experienced an 4.6% increase in share prices today, and Devon Energy Corp (DVN) has increased 6.8% today.
  • Chipotle (CMG) stocks plunged 3.44% today as they had to shut down a store in Massachusetts because 4 employees got sick. 
  • As oil prices rebound, alternative energy industry is also inclining. Tesla Motors (TSLA) has experienced an 3.02% increase today and increased over 10% in total for the past five days.

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