Monday, March 14, 2016

Today's Stock Market (2016.03.14)

Daily Analysis
Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P by closing time (5:16pm ET)
Dow and Nasdaq throughout trading hours (4:40pm ET)

  • Dow and Nasdaq barely finished higher than last time, and S&P finished lower than last time.
    • All three indexes were very unstable throughout the day today, going through couple small crashes.
  • Oil price drops to $37 per barrel
    • $37.31 per barrel (7:33pm ET)
International Economy
  • Latest oil market data revealed that Saudi Arabia and Russia pumped out more oil despite the the talk about limiting oil supplies. 
    • Other countries like Iran are also pumping up more oil now.
  • As China's economy continues to slow down, the global shipping industry was also hit hard due to these concerns.
  • Iranian government stated that they are not concerned about U.S. oil companies pumping out more oil from their country; Iran is facing a huge rebound following its important nuclear deal with global powers.
Individual Analysis
  • Tesla (TSLA)'s stock surged 3.69% as their company ratings from RW Baird is upgraded from neutral to outperforming.
  • Starwood Hotels & Resorts (HOT) rose 7.82% as Chinese insurance group Anbang made a $12.8 billion non binding cash offer for them.
  • Energy stock shares are plunging as the future for oil price seems to be dark. Southwestern Energy (SWN) stock shares dropped 6.75% today, and Chesapeake Energy (CHK) plunged 6.81% today.

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