Monday, February 1, 2016

Today's market (2016.02.01)

Overall Analysis
Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P by the end of market

  • Dow and S&P falls for very little, and Nasdaq rose very little
  • Oil price dropped around 31$
  • 10 year yield has rose 0.04%
International economy
  • Goldman Sachs claims that it is too late for OPEC to save oil price that has been plunging.
  • Chinese market, Shanghai composite, rose 1.86%
  • Brazil's economic status is very bad
  • IMF is trying to find a solution for troubled oil countries
Individual analysis
  • Amazon and EA stock plunges
    • AMZN: -9.53%, EA:-8.01%
  • Utilities, communications, and Consumer non durables sector increases its performance
    • Utilities: 3.6%
    • Communications: 3.36%
    • Consumer non durables: 1.32%

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