Friday, February 19, 2016

Today's Stock Market (2016.02.19)

Daily Analysis
Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P by closing time (4:01pm ET)

Dow and Nasdaq during trading hours (4:07pm ET)

  • Dow dropped from yesterday, S&P ended around the same from yesterday, and Nasdaq finished higher than yesterday
    • All three indexes experienced a crash in the opening time
    • Dow couldn't recover from the crash, Nasdaq recovered, and S&P came back to before.
  • Oil price dropped below $30 per barrel
    • $29.81 per barrel (3:40pm ET)
International Market
  • As the oil price keeps declining, Standard and Poor's downgraded 5 oil producing countries including Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Brazil, and Kazakhstan.
  • Not only the five countries listed, but other countries that rely on oil are having hard times. Columbia had its credit outlook cut to negative, which means that the agency expects downgrade.
  • Britain is currently debating about the British Exit or "Brexit" issue, which means that Britain should leave E.U. now. While David Cameron, prime minister of U.K. and other E.U. countries are trying to make Britain stay in E.U., his opponents are arguing him that U.K should leave E.U. 
Individual Analysis
  • Uber, a taxi company, has said that they are losing $1 Billion a year in China, due to the competition with another taxi app named Didi Kuaidi.
  • Kinder Morgan (KMI) has dropped 2.91% during the trading day. Kinder Morgan has experienced a jump in their stock price at 02.17.2016 as Warren Buffett announced that he has bought a huge amount of their stocks.
  • Amazon (AMZN) stocks rose 1.89% as they announced that they acquired the North American rights to Woody Allen’s next film, due for release this summer.

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