Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Today's Market (2016.02.03)

Overall Analysis
Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P by closing time (4:45pm ET)

  • Dow and S&P ends higher than yesterday, S&P rose sharply by closing time
  • Nasdaq continues to drop, and it dropped lower than 4,450 points but recovered to 4,504 by closing time
  • Oil price rises up to $32.65 (4:19pm ET)
World Economy
  • Venezuela, which has more oil than any other country on planet, bought huge amounts of oil from the U.S. because they can't refine the oils that they pump out
  • Europe's open border system is about to collapse, and it would cost around 100 billion Euros ($110 billion) to bring back passport control, and this would be a huge blow for the fragile economy.
  • Consumers of India, one of the fastest growing market in the world, are buying more cars. This emphasizes the importance of Indian market.
Individual analysis
  • Exxon Mobil(XOM) rose 5.22% due to the oil price that rose today. However, the oil price is still unstable, and there are possibilities of stock facing sudden drops.
  • Tesla(TSLA) is facing their worst days due to the cheap oil price. Their stocks dropped 5.09% during the day.
  • Energy mineral industry is having the worst 3 month sector performance (-16.05%), and Utilities sector continues to secure the best 3 month sector performance (4.48%)
  • Google(GOOG), Yahoo!(YHOO), and Amazon(AMZN) dropped today. Amazon continued its fall from Friday, 1/29.

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