Thursday, February 18, 2016

Today's stock market (2016.02.18)

Daily analysis
Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P by closing time (5:16pm ET)
Dow and Nasdaq graph during trading hours (5:16pm ET)

  • All three indexes saw slight drop through the day
  • All three indexes have similar rise and fall, but compared to Dow, Nasdaq and S&P was more inconsistent and changing.
  • Oil price stays over $30 per barrel, but there is no sign of oil price recovering
    • $30.52 per barrel (6:34pm ET)
International Economy
  • Congress is raising objection to the Chinese company's plan to buy Chicago stock exchange. 45 members signed to a letter that was sent to the U.S. treasury department, and the letter stated that lawmakers called for a "full and rigorous investigation" into the proposed sale, and the intention of Chinese government is unclear.
  • Five employees of ICBC (IDCBY), the biggest bank in China, were arrested in Spain on suspicion of laundering money across Europe.
  • As oil prices stay depressed, production in Canada is beginning to drop: 'The oil sands are making no money on any barrels being produced.' That means layoffs, equipment auctions and cities like Calgary rethinking its energy strategy.
Individual Analysis
  • NVIDIA (NVDA), a company that manufactures Graphic chips for individual computers, has soared 9% after releasing their quarter report. The report posted revenue growth of 12%, and adjusted earnings-per-share gains of 21%, both of which were better than investors had expected. 
  • IBM (IBM) stocks has rose 5% during the day, making IBM Dow's biggest percentage point gainer. IBM shares have received an upgrade from Morgan Stanley's analyst, and also made a deal to buy Truven Health Analytics. 

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