Thursday, February 4, 2016

Today's Market (2016.02.04)

Daily Analysis
Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P by closing time (5:16pm ET)
  • Market recovered from downfall from yesterday
    • Nasdaq recovered from their two-day fall and started to rise back up
    • Dow and S&P increased throughout the trading time
  • Oil price stays around $31~$32 per barrel
    • $31.69 per barrel (5:58pm ET)
International Economy
  • As Britain is in internal conflict of leaving E.U, Goldman Sachs warned the British government that leaving E.U would cause the British pound to crash up to 20% from its current value.
  • The worldwide malfunctioning of Airbags in cars are becoming a huge trouble for drivers, and it might evolve into a recall problem.
  • Venezuela is lobbying desperately to OPEC to cut down oil production. Venezuela, the country with most amount of oil in the world, is in a economic crisis due to the plunging oil prices. Though OPEC members say that they would do something to make the oil price higher, it is not sure if they are going to cut down oil production.
Individual Analysis
  • The cheap oil price continues to choke big energy companies and its related industry. They sustained themselves by cutting down employments and getting more debts, but the situation got worse and now their dividends are no longer untouchable.
  • GoPro(GPRO)'s future doesn't seem bright; their shares have fallen 89% from their high in September, 2014 despite their efforts to improve their situation.
  • Amazon(AMZN)'s share has been crashing since they came up with the plan of making physical, mortar and brick bookstores. The CEO of Amazon claimed that the statement was not made to represent the whole direction of company.

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